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  • Ecology of Cestode transmission

    Cestode zoonoses (Echinococcoses , Taeniases, Cysticercoses) are neglected zoonotic diseases which are highly endemic in western China, Central Asia and Europe. On the Tibetan Plateau ecosystem uniquely 3 species of the parasite Echinococcus are endemic in wildlife and/or domestic mammals, with E. granulosus and E. multilocularis causing a serious public health problem of cystic (CE) and alveolar (AE) echinococcosis amongst Tibetan pastoralists. E. shiquicus has also been described in (...)

  • Wildlife - human conflicts and ecosystem health

    One of the major difficulties of a global approach to the understanding and management of ecological risks is the underestimation of the complexity of the system under study. This complexity is linked to the variety of processes, direct or delayed, and of significant time (seasonal, multi-annual, decennial, etc.) and space scales that determine wildlife and pathogen population dynamics.
    Many studies rely on the analysis of systems over a short time span and a relatively small spatial (...)

  • Permanent workshop on adaptive monitoring, data management and modelling

    Environmental sciences and ecology increasingly depend on long-term research. Long term monitoring is crucial for the improved management of ecosystems and natural resources, e.g. in the context of global changes, etc.. This is also the case for public health issues where it is also crucial to record disease events and history for the long term and on multiple scales. However, many long-term research and monitoring programs are either ineffective or fail completely owing to poor planning (...)