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Consultancy at the University of Kinshasa
23rd April 2014
In Africa, the re-emergence of old scourges like plague or cholera, never completely controlled, combines with the emergence of new diseases such as AIDS and monkeypox. Those new health hazards are often linked to sociological changes (shifts in behaviour, diet, activity and occupational rhythms, etc.) and environmental factors exacerbated by global changes. To optimize control strategies, not always appropriate at present, training of young scientists and health professionals must be based on research approaches taking into account the complexity of the environment as a whole. The objective is to understand the functioning of epidemiogenic ecosystems in order to adjust operational strategies by acting on the environmental determinants of disease emergence.
Patrick Giraudoux, Francis Raoul and Renaud Scheifler, with the support of the Institut Universitaire de France, the Chrono-environment lab and their Congolese partners, joined their colleague Didier Bompangue, professor at the University of Kinshasa and associate researcher at the Chrono-environment lab, from April 17 to 23 in Kinshasa. The aim was to prepare an amendment to the cooperation agreement between the University of Franche-Comté and the University of Kinshasa. The Master ECoS, a training relay of the GDRI EHEDE will thus be associated with the creation of a first-year Master ECOM-ALGER in Kinshasa, and be the privileged outlet of the Kinshasa students for the second year. The two masters will be training relays of collaborative research conducted among African researchers and GDRI EHEDE members.