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  • Professor Li Li’s visit at Chrono-environnement, Besançon

    The exchanges in person have been interrupted for more than 4 years by the COVID19 pandemic, although cooperation continued via mails and visioconferences. Meanwhile, the Laboratory of Wildlife Management and Ecosystem Health has moved from YUFE, Kunming, Yunnan to Leshan Normal University, Sichuan, with new study fields added to the GDRI EHEDE network (see e.g. Tibetan Macaque on Mont Emei).
    Professor Li Li was in Besançon from June 22 to July 7 to prepare the visit of a high-level (...)

  • Post-COVID, missions to China resume

    Although cooperation continued through video conferencing and e-mail, travel to and from China and meetings in person were suspended for four years during COVID-19. From 6 to 17 November, a first mission was organised to take stock of the changes that have taken place in France and China since COVID and reorganize common works. Prof. Li Li (李丽) managed the content of this mission. Participants for the Chrono-environment lab were Eve Afonso and Patrick Giraudoux
    Leshan Normal University (...)

  • Thinking the pandemic...

    Several research teams from the Bourgogne Franche-Comté universities have gathered to organize an online interdisciplinary seminar to reflect upon the current pandemic. Each session will also be available on a dedicated youtube channel.
    The pandemic as we know it in 2020 is a total phenomenon: none of our sciences can take the measure of it on its own. Its many dimensions require all our various sciences, from the ecological context of propagation to the epidemiology of human populations (...)

  • Autumn meeting days, ShenZhen, Beijing

    First World Forum on Nature Conservation, ShenZhen, China 30.10-1.11
    The aim of the meeting was to foster domestic and international exchange of views about Natural Reserves and protected area management in China. It was the first meeting organized by the National Forest and Grassland administration of China (NFGA), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the People’s Government of Guandong Province, with the support of the ShenZhen Municipal People’s government. (...)

  • YUFE Autumn meeting days, Kunming

    Training class "Developing a multi-agent system on the Gama plateform", November 6-7
    A two days training gathered master, doctoral students and colleagues about multi-agent simulation on the Gama plateform. The example taken was based on research carried out by the GDRI EHEDE Sino-French group on landscape connectivity between discrete populations of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys in North-West Yunnan (see GDRI EHDE programme here).
    Updated pdf manual and code can be found on GitHub: (...)

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