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YUFE Autumn meeting days, Kunming
November 6-13, 2018
Training class "Developing a multi-agent system on the Gama plateform", November 6-7
A two days training gathered master, doctoral students and colleagues about multi-agent simulation on the Gama plateform. The example taken was based on research carried out by the GDRI EHEDE Sino-French group on landscape connectivity between discrete populations of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys in North-West Yunnan (see GDRI EHDE programme here).
- Updated pdf manual and code can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/gnoubi/snubbies
The principle of a coding camp next year was adopted, with the aim of developing models centred on ongoing research on primate ecology in Yunnan/Sichuan/Guanxi.
Teaching contacts: Nicolas Marilleau, Patrick Giraudoux
Participants: Li Li, Guo HongYan (YUFE), Li DaYong (Sichuan West Normal University), Ren Bao Ping (Institute of Zoology, Beijing), Zhou Qi Hai (Guanxi Normal University, Guilin) and master and PhD students
Research progress updates:
Molecular ecology of the Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkey
Eve Afonso presented the preliminary results of genetic comparisons between Museum specimens and samples of the current populations and investigations about amiba species in fed and wild populations:
at a side meeting of the Gama training class
at a meeting with Li WeiWei (Museum of Zoology, Kunming), three of Pr. Yu Li’s master students (Yunnan University) and Long YongCheng (prominent specialist of Chinese primates). E-mail contact has been taken later on with Pr Yu Li to develop collaborations in molecular genetics.
Contact: Eve Afonso
Humans - wild elephant conflicts
GUO Min presented the advances of her master "Designing Insurance Product and Determining Insurance Rates in Wild Asian Elephant - Human Conflicts". The implementation of General Linear Models to quantify the relationship between the distance of crops to village and the average loss was discussed.
Contact: Li Li
Estimation of Yunnan forest growth
GUO HongYan, YUFE lecturer and new member of the LWMEH presented a preliminary analysis of a 1987-2012 survey of Yunnan forests carried out by the forest office of Yunnan province on 1387 plots. A strategy for further analysis of this massive data set was discussed and a work plan fixed.
Contact: Guo HongYan