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Articles in this section

  • History

    Collaborations and funding
    Our collaboration as ecologists with Chinese medical universities began in 1994 in the framework of the European programme of the DGXII “Human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis in northwest China: community screening, patient treatment/follow-up and transmission studies”. This programme was initiated and coordinated by Pr. Phil S. Craig, with the support of Pr. Dominique Angèle Vuitton for the medical aspects. It involved University of Franche-Comté, University of (...)

  • WoS publications

    This list is limited to Web of Science articles which are co-authored by researchers of at least two different labs of different countries among the GDRI members or associate-members, in the scope of the GDRI EHEDE research issues, since 2013 (year of the network creation).
    Based on the publications co-authored (20/12/2020), the graph below shows the relationships between the GDRI members having common publications in the framework of the GDRI (...)

  • Welcome to the IRN EHEDE website

    The International Research Network Ecosystem health and environmental disease ecology (IRN EHEDE) aims to promote exchanges and to bring better legibility to collaborative research between Asia and Europe researchers, linking ecosystem health (e.g. the long-term sustainability of ecological processes and the integrity of ecosystem services) and disease ecology (e.g. the processes by which diseases can sustain or be controlled in a given ecosystem).
    Our research is based on the principles (...)

  • The Network

    IRN EHEDE members
    Research departments whose members have co-authored articles in international or national journals/books. Country Research department Organization Contact France Chrono-environnement University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté - CNRS Patrick Giraudoux, Eve Afonso Laboratoire dynamiques sociales et recomposition des espaces Université Paris Diderot - CNRS Céline Clauzel UMR 7209 - AASPE National Natural History Museum Cécile Callou China Department of Wildlife (...)

  • Contacts

    Addresses for correspondence: Scientific coordinator:
    Patrick Giraudoux
    See also other contact addresses in the website sections (Research themes, Programmes, etc.) Task officers:
    Graphic design
    Estelle Franc
    IT manager
    Charles-Henri Falconnet
    Université de Franche-Comté
    La Bouloie
    16 route de Gray
    F-25030 Besançon cedex

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