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Research visit at the University of Calgary
2015, January 26 - February 9
Dr. Jenny Knapp, research engineer at the Besançon University Hospital had a 2 week visit at the Laboratory of Wildlife Ecology and Spatial Epidemiology (WEASEL). The WEASEL belongs to the Ecosystem and Public Health Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada), and is a member of the GDRI EHEDE since 2015. Dr Jenny Knapp’s visit was carried out in the framework of a scientific collaboration between the Chrono-Environment laboratory and the WEASEL. Driven by a common theme - the eco-epidemiological study of the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis – the stay was an opportunity to better understand the epidemiological context of this parasite species in North America. There, foxes but also coyotes and wolves are the main definitive hosts. Moreover, despite a significant presence of the parasite in the environment, only 4 human cases have been diagnosed in North America since the 30s. This strongly contrasts with the European situation (~1500 cases/year according to Torgerson et al. 2010).
This trip was an opportunity for Dr Jenny Knapp to have exchanges about the factors leading to this contrast and to transfer expertise in Em and host genotyping. A conference has been given at the University of Calgary for the students in doctorate of veterinary science, and a Journal Club was organized with students to discuss technical elements and more general issues about two scientific articles authored by Dr Jenny Knapp. The next step will be a 6 month stay of Dr. Alessandro Massolo at the University of Franche-Comté, as invited professor. Dr Massolo is currently heading the "Coyote Calgary Urban Project" and the WEASEL.
Jenny Knapp, CHU & University of Franche-Comté
Alessandro Massolo, University of Calgary
Parasite transmission in Canada...