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Archie Clement and Darren Gray’s visit at Besançon
September 9-10, 2015
A number of members of the GDRI EHEDE met in Besançon at the occasion of Archie Clement and Darren Gray’s venue (after the 9th Congress of Tropical Medicine and International Health at Basel, CH):
- Archie Clement and Darren Gray (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia),
- Alessandro Massolo (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada),
- Qi XinWei and Dominique Vuitton (Key Lab of Fundamental Medical Research on Echinococcosis, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China),
- Jenny Knapp, Francis Raoul and Patrick Giraudoux (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France)
They had a roundtable to discuss the organisation and advances of their research on the ecology of echinococcoses. Plans were drawn to:
- tighten bilateral and multilateral collaborations
- promote one health approach in a balanced trio "ecology", "medical" and "vet" sciences taking environmental issues into account.
Co-organization of congresses, satellite symposia in international congresses and summer school were reviewed and this should lead to decisions in the next few months.
Angela Maria Cadavid Restrepo starts a PhD
Does environmental change drive the spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of Echinococcus spp. in Ningxia, China?