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YUFE - GDRI EHEDE partners meeting days, Kunming
December 2, 2017
The Laboratory of Wildlife Management and Ecosystem Health (LWMEH) has been founded in 2012 at the School of Urban Management and Resource Environment, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, just before the GDRI EHEDE was created in 2013. The GDRI has been renewed in 2017 for four years (2017-2020). Researchers having been involved in this 5 year endeavour and others met in Kunming and participated to various meetings from November 25 to December 1.
The aims were:
- to provide a framework where master, PhD and post-doc students can meet with professors and senior researchers;
- to present and discuss the advances of research carried out in Yunnan under the GDRI EHEDE umbrella (Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, wildlife elephant conservation,...) and plans for further works;
More than 30 master/PhD students and staffs from YUFE participated to this meeting joined by senior researchers and PhD students from other provinces of China such as Pr. Li DaYong (China West Normal University, Sichuan), Dr Li Jia, Dr Xue YaDong, Dr Zhang Yu, Dr Zhang YuGuang, Li WenWen, Dai YunChan (Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing ), Pr. Zhao YuMin (Guilin Medical University, Guangxi).
Presenter | Institution | Title |
Eve AFONSO | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS | How to be a successfull bat in the anthropocene? Decline passed, current threats. |
Cécile CALLOU | National Natural History Museum, Paris/CNRS | The Natural History Museum Collections: focus on mammal types from China. |
Eve AFONSO | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS | Using molecular ecology to study wildlife in China. |
Céline CLAUZEL | LADYSS - Paris Diderot University/CNRS | Graphab and connectivity modelling: what’s up ? |
ZHANG Yu | Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing | Analysis of golden snub-nosed monkey in Hubei province, China |
Patrick GIRAUDOUX | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS & LWMH, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics | Distribution of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) indices |
François GILLET | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS | Plant community changes and modelling |
GUO HongYon | School of Urban Management and Resource Environment, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics | Simulation and prediction of forest systems |
Patrick GIRAUDOUX | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS & LWMH, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics | Preliminary analysis of Taibao’s insurance data on elephant damage: progress report |
Nicolas MARILLEAU | UMI UMISCO IRD and FEMTO, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS | SMA and ecology. What’s up ? |
Patrick GIRAUDOUX | Chrono-environment, University of Franche-Comté/CNRS & LWMH, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics | Carnivores - Ungulates/Small mammals parasite cycles: stories about the genus Echinococcus |
Training session
A half-day training session was then organized by Dr. Nicolas Marilleau assisted by Pr. Patrick Giraudoux, about GAMA programming. The aim was to build collectively a "school" model about the movement of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys across landscape in the upper Mekong using multi-agent simulation.
Meeting at the Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology
The Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology belongs to the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. On November 27, GDRI members and invited colleagues met Mme Li WeiWei, curator of Kunming Natural History Museum and her staff. Dr. Cécile Callou gave a conference about the collections of the French National Natural History Museum Paris, related to China. The talk has been followed by intensive discussions about collection management and taxonomy issues in the two countries and a visit of the Kunming Museum.
Field recognition in the GaoLiGong Shan (高黎贡山)
Pr Li Li, Dr Céline Clauzel, Pr. François Gillet, Pr. Patrick Giraudoux, , Dr. Nicolas Marilleau met in Baoshan with Dir. Jiang Ming (姜明), current director of the GaoliGong Shan National Reserve and Dir. Ai HuaiSen (艾怀森), former director (now curator in the Baoshan Museum). They then had a field recognition on November 29 with a 20 km trek between 1900 and 3150 m of altitude, across the limit between Baoshan and TengChong prefectures, from BaiHuaLing (百花岭)to LinJiaPu (林家铺), in order to discover one of the unique ecosystem complexes of the three parallel rivers area, for which the YUFE-LWMEH has special cooperation agreement. Despite the distance to universities and research institutes, to develop scientific research in ecology in this exceptional hotspot of biodiversity should be encouraged.
Meetings with the General Secretary of the Communist Party and the Vice-President of the Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
The French delegation met with the General Secretary Guo WuDai and his staff on November 27 in order to exchange about the achievements of the cooperation between YUFE-LWMEH and French partners within the GDRI EHEDE, and the research perspectives for 2017-2020. General Secretary Guo WuDai confirmed that YUFE priorities was to develop research and training in landscape ecology and urban ecology applied to conservation and ecohealth issues.
A second meeting was held on December 1 with Pr. Xie ChangHao, Vice-President of YUFE and representative of President Fu RunMin, held up in Beijing. The aim was to examine the academic contents and operational objectives that can be achieved within the GDRI EHEDE 2017-2020 and foreseeable future. YUFE campus will be removed to a new campus in 2019. Parallel to this perspective, a priority is to reinforce a laboratory of ecology helping to resolve seeming contradictions between ecological/environmental issues and economical development. Moreover, YUFE and Yunnan authorities have a great concern about understanding how the peaceful coexistence of more than 25 nationalities in Yunnan might contribute to a safe environment and preserving a high level of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The concept of "Zone atelier" (Long Term Socio-Ecological Research) was presented by Pr. Patrick Giraudoux as one of the current great challenge of the CNRS-INEE in France, and the importance of challenging long-term research on regional socio-ecosystems (see e.g. in English: Zone atelier Arc jurassien and Zone atelier Hwange). He also presented how the GDRI EHEDE can insert its research activities in the one belt - one road (一带一路) initiative. Based on the GDRI proven successful achievements, a priority will be given by YUFE and French partners towards increasing targeted collaborations for research and publications in international journals, exchange of expertise, and capacity building reinforcement in those issues.
Li Li
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics